Jun 132013
We know we ought to concentrate, be aware, and focus on what we are doing. But for most of us it’s rather difficult. We all know people who seem to have an uncanny ability to do this. For a few, it’s so strong they can be totally unaware of what’s going on around them. But many of us are easily distracted, sometimes so much so it’s even hard to get to the piano in the first place. read the rest
Dec 062004
Getting the body settled at the piano is easy compared with getting the mind settled. The mind flies off in all directions when we practice. Concentration, the word used to indicate someone is thinking, is not a word I like. In our youth we heard parents and teachers say: “You’re not concentrating.” “If only you’d concentrate, you could do so much better.” “Don’t let your mind wonder.” “Hello, where are you?” All these experiences give us the feeling that concentration is a moral value. read the rest